The Tax Office has released the monthly JobKeeper Declaration form for May 2020.To continue to receive the subsidy, the May declaration must be lodged by 14 June 2020 (a Sunday) – so 12 June
.There are no extensions to this date – if the Declaration is not lodged by this date, you will likely miss out for that month.
Action Required – Lodging through Rudd Hannay Accountants
1. Review
each of your employees and business participants (if applicable) to determine if any became eligible or were no longer eligible during the month of May.Please advised us accordingly, otherwise we will rely on the Tax Office information.Any changes are updated via Single Touch Payroll or another form.
2. Calculate
the actual turnover for May 2020 based on the turnover method per the registration form. Please ensure your bookkeeping is up to date to determine this amount.We will obtain this information from your software where possible, or please advise us accordingly.
3. Advise us
of the projected turnover amount for June 2020.
Once we have the above information, we will prepare the Declaration and forward to you for signing.Once signed, it will be lodged before 14 June.Past experience shows the Tax Office is paying the JobKeeper Subsidy within 5 business days of the Declaration being lodged.
If you are not lodging this information through RHA, we recommend that you do not leave it until 14 June to lodge the Declaration.The Tax Office systems have struggled to keep pace in recent months and we have found their systems have denied log ins across all of their Portals (including the Tax Agent Portal) during peak usage so please ensure you leave plenty of time for any issues. Please contact us if you need any assistance.