Below are some important changes to the criteria for employees that were not previously eligible for JobKeeper Payments but may now be eligible.
1. Employees Who Were Employed Between 1 March to 1 July 2020
Previously, any new employees that a business hired after 1 March 2020 were not eligible for JobKeeper Payments. This condition has now changed.
If an employee was hired on or before 1 July 2020, and after 1 March 2020, and they ceased working at their previous employer, they will now be eligible for JobKeeper Payments from 3 August 2020 as long as the other JobKeeper criteria is met. If you have employees who meet this criteria, you must notify them by Friday 21 August 2020 that the business will be claiming JobKeeper on their behalf by completing a Nomination Notice and giving to the employee.
Note, if the employee has not received $1,500 in gross wages per fortnight from 3 August 2020, the business has until 31 August 2020 to ensure any shortfall is paid to the employee. If they do not receive this, the business will not be eligible to receive the JobKeeper Payment relating to that employee.
2. Employees Who Were Employed On Or Before 1 March 2020
By and large there are no changes to the eligibility for this category of employee. One minor change is that a casual who was previously not eligible as they had not been with the business for more than 12 months may now meet this criteria on or before 1 July 2020.
Payment and Notification Notice requirements apply per above if an employee is now eligible.
If you require assistance with assessing the eligibility of new employees for JobKeeper Payments, or if you need assistance with updating your Single Touch Payroll settings to include these employees for JobKeeper Payments, please contact us for further information.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact one of the team or myself.
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