According to the ATO, the treatment of allowances is one of the most misunderstood areas of payroll. Whether it be misclassifying an amount as an allowance (when it’s actually a reimbursement) or applying the incorrect PAYG withholding, superannuation or payroll tax treatment, mistakes in this area are easy to make.
The distinction
It’s important to define an allowance, and in particular distinguish it from a reimbursement as the PAYG withholding, superannuation and payroll tax treatment can differ significantly. On the one hand, allowances:
On the other hand, reimbursements:
According to Taxation Ruling TR 92/15, an “allowance” is “a definite sum of money allotted or granted to meet expenses or requirements”. An allowance usually consists of the payment of a definite or predetermined amount to cover an estimated expense, and is paid regardless of whether the recipient incurs the anticipated expense. An amount is not an allowance if it’s just folded in to normal salary and wages. Rather an allowance must be a separately identifiable payment made to an employee for:
On the other hand, a payment is a reimbursement when the employee is compensated exactly (i.e. precisely, not approximately), for an expense they have already incurred. In the case of a reimbursement, the employer considers the expense to be their own, with the employee effectively incurring the expenditure on behalf of the employer. With a reimbursement, the employee will almost always be required to produce evidence to the employer of the exact amount and nature of the expense (e.g. receipt), before the amount is reimbursed to them.
Be aware that reimbursements may constitute an expense payment fringe benefit. The main exception is where the expense would otherwise be deductible to the employee had they paid the expense themselves. In that case, it would generally be FBT exempt.
If you have any questions around allowance or reimbursement-style payments to workers, don’t hesitate to contact us for advice.
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